Multifunctional USB X-ray Film Reader
Home » Product > Dental Equipments > Intraoral Camera

Model: XRM95


Plug and Play, Clear Image, User friendly, Better communication 


1) XRM-95 can digitalize the traditional periodontitis X-ray film into digital file immediately and save them into computers for record keeping the patients data


2) XRM-95 can zoom X-ray film image up to 50 times on the monitor by using the special dental software (window), to help Dentists gain better communication with patients


3) Easy installation:Simply plug-in the USB cable between XRM-95 & the computer; digital film scanner is only one plug away.


4) The clear image is captured by the latest technology of high resolution camera and the bright LED lamps.


5) Adjustable light source enable the dentist to take the periodontitis film image darker or lighter according to ones preference ot for professional use in paper report.


6) With it compact design of small size and light weight, XRM-95 brings space saving and convenient portability, anywhere, anytime.